Skins Extra Large Condoms (4, 12, 16)

£8.49 £8.99

Before deciding on the right size for the Extra Large Skins a panel of well-endowed men were recruited to help as when it comes to choosing an extra large condom,  size really does matter! A panel of judges tried all the available large condoms on the market and together decided on what they felt was the best fit.

The optimum size they arrived at was a girth of 57mm and length of 205mm - and so Skins Extra Large were manufactured exactly to their recommended specification.
Skins Extra Large condoms are made using premium quality natural latex for a clear natural feeling strong condom.

So thin they feel like a second skin! Never go in without a Skin!

  • No latex smell
  • Clear transparent in colour
  • Natural feeling
  • Extra lubricated for safety and comfort
  • Skins Natural Condoms have a length of 205mm nominal width of 57mm

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How much is delivery and how does it take?

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Is the packaging discreet?

Yes, we totally understand the importance of discretion, therefore all of our packaging is 100% discreet

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We are based in the UK and ship product all over the world.

What will show on my bank statement?

'YPT LTD' will show on your statement


Are the reviews on this site real?

We pride ourselves on honesty and transparency therefore yes, all of the reviews that you see on the site are 100% genuine. 

Is there a warranty?

Yes! we provide a minimum 12m warranty on all products. In order to make a claim under the warranty, we will need the lot number from the original packaging so please be sure to keep hold of the box / packaging.

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