Sex Guide for Women: 5 Steps to Become More Sexually Empowered
The concept of sexual liberation begins with sexual empowerment. And sure, the road to said-liberation is a journey with ups and downs, but the journey itself is a positive one with many things to learn and many ways to grow.
For example, there are certain steps a woman can take to broaden her horizons, explore sexuality without judgment, and reach sexual empowerment.
But before we jump into these steps, let’s start with the basics…
What is sexual empowerment?
The definition of sexual empowerment is different for everyone.
One may say that sexual empowerment is the act of becoming confident in all aspects of who you are, as a sexual being. It’s about knowing your sexual rights and the sexual rights of others, having bodily autonomy, and engaging in consensual sexual activity that’s informed by your pleasure and the pleasure of your partner.
Additionally, sexual empowerment is the ability to explore different spheres of sexuality without fear or judgment, and to look at different parts of your own sexual identity and interests without shame.
Sexual empowerment can also entail embracing your sexuality, owning your deepest desires, and devoting time to work on yourself so that a deep and loving relationship is formed with yourself first, before others.
Sexual empowerment is a life-long process, yes, but it also flows and changes with time and life experience. It’s a beautiful thing to cherish and move freely with.
Why is sexual empowerment important for women?
Sexual empowerment is important for women because it centres around them promoting their self-worth, determining their own choices, and the right to influence social change.
The concept of sexual empowerment is also important for women because it allows them to assert control over their bodies, have the right to physical autonomy and protection from abuse, and realising that they have the right to a safe and satisfying sex life.
These things are absolutely essential in a world where gender inequality still exists, and abuse against women is rife.
We hope to contribute to a world where gender inequality is smashed, and women empowerment is on the rise.
Below, we’ve curated a list of 5 steps a woman can take to work on themselves and become more sexually empowered.
5 steps women can take to become sexually empowered
These steps are in no specific order, nor will the process of practicing them be linear.
It’s all about doing what feels right for you while broadening your sexual horizons.
1. Change the narrative: rewrite your sexual story
This is all about throwing out your old ideas about sex and sexuality, and starting anew with an attitude that’s sex-positive.
This includes viewing things with an open mind, and being willing to hear new ideas and try new things. You could start this by keeping a journal and writing down all of your feelings surrounding intimacy, consent, rejection, and how your relationships make you feel.
You can also write down the ways in which you’d like to work on or change those ideals and feelings.
The most important thing here is to be honest with yourself because once you recognise any shame, guilt, or close mindedness towards sexuality, it’s an opportunity to grow.
2. Process past sexual trauma & release past shame
We are by no means assuming that you’ve been a victim of sexual trauma, but there may be some sexual blockages or past shame that you’d like to address. And one of the most effective ways to do that would be to see a therapist. It definitely won’t be easy, but it is pivotal in turning a corner and becoming more sexually empowered.
Alternatively, you may just find that you did not receive (accurate/adequate) sex education, grew up in a home that had certain beliefs about sexuality, or perhaps traditionalist views. All of these can most certainly bring in an element of shame.
One way to work through these things would be to educate yourself about sex in the form of books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and important conversations about women and sex. You could even consider getting a mentor or a coach to guide you. There’s a lot to learn in the modern day of sex.
The essence of this is to overcome the shame in order to find a happy and freeing space in which to proudly own your sexuality.
3. Self-love & body acceptance
To embrace sexual empowerment, it all starts with you, your body, your mind, your needs, and your desires.
To show yourself some love and to journey through body acceptance, you can do something kind for your body. This could be going for a walk, getting a massage, nourishing it with good food, learning to say no to things when you need a bit of down time, and giving yourself enough space to just be.
Other ways to cultivate self-love and body acceptance is to practice meditation with intentional mindfulness, or to adopt positive self-talk. The latter can be practiced by becoming aware of your thoughts about yourself, and the message you’re sending your body.
The road to self-love and body acceptance is also paved with the notion that your mind may just be playing tricks on you. If you’re doubting yourself or feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, ask yourself “is this real?”. Invariable, society has a way of making us believe we’re not enough, but we are.
4. Explore and nurture your sexual energy
This is the fun part! And while it may seem daunting or even embarrassing or uncomfortable at first, we promise you that, with time, you’ll learn to love exploring your sexual side.
Our favourite way to nurture sexual energy includes touching and embracing one’s body. Feel the different erogenous zones, use different speeds, pressures, and textures to stimulate them. You’ll soon learn that there are some incredible hot stops available, ready to unleash your inner Goddess.
We also suggest experimenting with sex toys. Clitoral stimulation, for example, is a non-intimidating act of self-love that’s oh so satisfying and fun. And for those who believe masturbation is shameful… did you know that the clitoris only has one purpose? Pleasure!
Our favourite clit stimulation sex toys are the Tracy’s Dog Rose Vibrator, a rose sex toy which suckles softly on the clitoris, and the Tracy’s Dog Mr Duckie, which is an adorable duck-like clitoral suction vibrator. Both are easy to use and perfect for those on their sexual empowerment journey.
5. Have a relationship with yourself
Before entering a new relationship, be it sexual or other, we recommend having a loving relationship with yourself first.
By working on yourself, accepting and loving yourself, you’ll have a beautiful person to come home to every day—you!
Another perk of establishing a nurturing relationship with yourself is that you’ll become radically self-reliant and meet your own needs. Then, when you do enter into a relationship with someone, you’ll be more authentic and willing to leave toxic people behind.
These 5 tips are merely suggestions, but they’re a great start in taking the leap into a more sexually empowering life.
And, as we mentioned, it’s a lifelong adventure so if we can offer one piece of advice? Enjoy the ride!
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