How To Get Sexually Satisfied When In Lockdown
Social distancing and stay-at-home orders stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic has posed many barriers for those dating right now. With many popular date spots out of action right now, couples have had to get creative when it comes to date nights. Single people in particular may have found it even harder to get a spark going via Zoom. With the promise of a second lockdown throughout the entirety of November, you may be panicking you’ll never get laid again this year. However, there are still ways to get the spark back in your relationship during lockdown or for single people to remain sexually satisfied too!
Try new things in the bedroom
Novelty and newness is always exciting whether it’s in or out of the bedroom. For couples who feel things have gone a little stale due to everything we are currently stressing out about, trying something new in the bedroom is a sure fire way to get out of a rut right now. We have an Erotic Sex Toy Advent Calendar to make the festive period sexy, a range of couples toys, and more!
If you’re single and living alone, now is a great time to tap into self-pleasure. Here at Your Pleasure Toys, we believe masturbation is a form of self care. Not only is this an effective stress reliever, it will give you a greater understanding of what you want from sex when it is time to get frisky with others again! We have a wide range of toys that’ll make masturbation even more fun during lockdown.
Remember what comes after sex matters too
Research has found that couples who engage in more after-sex affection tend to lead more satisfied sex lives and relationships. During lockdown, use this time to experiment with a range of post-sex activities as well. As for ideas on things you can do whilst you cool down? We’ve got you. Our first suggestion: discuss the sex you just had. Do you want to give constructive feedback, or simply a compliment? Not got much energy? Stick to a classic by simply cuddling up and relaxing with your boo. We all love a good spoon, after all! You can also continue the quality time and cook up a little post-coitus snack in the kitchen. If you’ve still got some energy to burn off it’s time for round 2, baby!
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