8 Tips to Boost Your Sexual Satisfaction
Is sexual satisfaction based solely on the way in which you touch yourself or your partner? Actually, no! There are a few other things that come into play that can boost your sexual satisfaction. One of the most important things? Feeling understood and validated.
Who would have thought that these two things could make a world of difference in one's sex life, but it's entirely true. In fact, there have been studies that prove that having a partner who is attentive and supportive is associated with positive outcomes in and outside of the bedroom.
How to Boost Sexual Satisfaction
Before we get onto the topic of various actionable steps you can take to boost your sexual satisfaction, let's take a look at these two notions (feeling understood and validated) to fully understand why they're important for sexual satisfaction.
Aiding in this, we'll talk about a 2023 study that showed that responsiveness also plays a part in sexual satisfaction.
Why is feeling understood and validated important for sexual satisfaction?
In order to feel understood and validated, a level of responsiveness goes a long way. What do we mean when we say 'responsiveness'? It is the ability to communicate that one values their partner and cares about their safety, health, happiness, and welfare.
So, when a person is is consistently responsive, their partner is more likely to feel safe and secure. So much so, in fact, that they more inclined to be vulnerable, express deep emotions, and receive support.
The result of this? A deeper level of investment in the relationship, a stronger connection, and higher relationship satisfaction.
What does relationship satisfaction have to do with sexual satisfaction?
You may be wondering what all of the above has to do with sexual satisfaction. Well, when a person feels as though their partner doesn't fulfil or even recognise their non-sexual needs, there's a high chance of less desire to have sex or to experience less pleasure and satisfaction during sexual activity.
Interestingly though, the opposite seems to be true too. A study showed that there's potential to practice relationship-promoting behaviours because of sexual satisfaction.
Ok, so! Having said that, it's time to get into some other actionable steps to boost your sexual satisfaction. Bear in mind that responsiveness is one of the most successful.
8 steps to boost your sexual satisfaction
1. Education
We're living in an age that's full of knowledge at your fingertips. We're also lucky to have an abundance of resources in order to educate ourselves. This is a great resource because many people been brought up to believe certain things about sex. These things may be negative, which could be blocking their ability to full let go and enjoy sexual satisfaction. By educating yourself with books, sexual health blogs, healthcare professionals, support groups, or even talking with a friend, you have the power to change the way you view intimacy, openness, and sex.
2. Time
A rise in sexual satisfaction, or even your libido for that matter, takes time. It's impossible to take a magic wand and suddenly, you'll be walking on sunshine. It's important to know that because it may be frustrating if you do not see results immediately. The key is to stay patient with yourself and remain teachable. You can also experiment with different situations that may bring about more pleasure, such as setting quiet time aside for sex or masturbation so that there are no interruptions. The perk to experimenting is that, it's usually a lot more fun than a lot of other things in life.
3. Excitement
Another fun way to boost your sexual satisfaction would be to try something new! This could involve new sex positions, being intimate in a new place or room in the house, talking about your fantasies in hopes of making some come true, role playing, and many more other things. Sexual experiences are limitless, and finding one or more that really makes you feel sexually satisfied is all part of the fun.
4. Sex toys
Just as we mentioned excitement above, sex toys can definitely play a role in boosting sexual satisfaction. There are so many sex toys available today that there really is something for everyone. Whatever stimulation brings about arousal for you, you'll be sure to find a sex toy to enhance your arousal. From G-spot sex toys, clitoral sex toys, wand massagers, prostate massagers, and anal sex toys, you have the freedom to thoroughly explore your own body.
5. Lubrication
Lubrication is not just a sexual wellness tool used for vaginal dryness or to reduce friction during masturbation or sex. It's actually a very sensual aid that can increase your levels of sexual satisfaction. It can give one that slippery, wet and exciting feeling that can prompt arousal. And there are various types of lubricants out there, such as warming and cooling lubes or even some that have a delicious scent, bringing in other sensations into your play time.
6. Physical affection
Physical affection does not necessarily mean that of sexual affection. They're little non-sexual ways in which to help partners re-establish physical intimacy without any pressure. It could include hand holding, kissing, massages, cuddling, or anything else that'll bring about a feeling of closeness.
7. Excitement
Another fun way to boost your sexual satisfaction would be to try something new! This could involve new sex positions, being intimate in a new place or room in the house, talking about your fantasies in hopes of making some come true, role playing, and many more other things. Sexual experiences are limitless, and finding one or more that really makes you feel sexually satisfied is all part of the fun.
8. Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises may not sound that fun, but there's a reason why so many vulva owners do them... they pave the way for stronger orgasms. Indeed, when you do kegel exercises, be it on your own or with kegel balls, you're strengthening your pelvic floor which tightens it up, opening up the opportunity for more sexual satisfaction. Another perk? They're so easy to do!
We hope that you've learned something new today that will boost your sexual satisfaction and bring about a more understanding and validating experience, whether it's with yourself or with a partner.
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